📄️ Design Patterns
This is a selection of software design patterns developed by core Flow developers
📄️ Introduction
In a blockchain environment like Flow, programs that are stored on-chain in accounts are commonly referred to as smart contracts.
📄️ Anti-Patterns
This is an opinionated list of issues that can be improved if they are found in Cadence code intended for production.
📄️ Why Use Cadence?
Security and Safety
📄️ Security Best Practices
This is an opinionated list of best practices Cadence developers should follow to write more secure Cadence code.
🗃️ Tutorial
11 items
📄️ Contract Upgrades with Incompatible Changes
🗃️ Language Reference
32 items
📄️ Development Standards
Learn how to effectively organize and manage a Cadence project
📄️ Guide for Solidity Developers
Cadence introduces a different way to approach smart contract development which may feel unfamiliar to
📄️ JSON-Cadence format
Version 0.3.1
📄️ Measuring Time
Accessing Time From Cadence
📄️ Testing
The Cadence testing framework provides a convenient way to write tests for Cadence programs in Cadence.